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  1. Today
  2. Hi, Do you still own this board? Greetings, Bart.
  3. Could you post a picture of the board?
  4. Thanks for sharing. The 1982 mag is excellent featuring the Blackpool trade show(I’d have spent all week in there). not forgetting page 2 with JPMs 4 new releases which are now absolute classics.
  5. Yesterday
  6. Thanks. Never heard of it. I used to get Coin Slot which was great
  7. Thanks John, no never seen this either, just been reading the 1980 mag, Jesus what a great time!
  8. Mate sent me this. Sorry if you all know about it, I haven’t seen it before. https://archive.org/details/@lardonate
  9. Last week
  10. Was thinking the very same thing al when I watched it . I'd say arcades were flushing out a lot of the old stuff by this time .
  11. Nice on nick. arcades just don’t have that nice mixture of old and new anymore.
  12. Yeah it was buzzing like a lot of other seaside towns were Mike.
  13. Yes there is Nick! See how busy the town was!
  14. Some nice old stuff in there https://youtu.be/hvkpFJ3_D7k?si=95EFY-tkn9fU33z0
  15. Hi, The only board i have is the cirsa reel board... if thats any good?
  16. It looks worse in the pic than up close, any chance you know where to find a new board or a not to expensive repair guy (preferebly close to leiden/alphen ad rijn. Het ziet er op de foto erger uit dan van dichtbij (zelf ook geprobeerd 2 banen te repareren zonder succes) Enig idee hoe ik aan een ander board kom of weet je een betaalbare reperateur?
  17. What's that Mike,got a pic.yes my machines are part of the family.
  18. Lovely Simon, looks well looked after! I have an old wall mounted machine me, but just haven’t got around to getting it restored!
  19. The top one is motor driven the other 4 are stepped with a solenoid at the end. I had the motor rewound at long Eaton as the windings were pulled out.sadly the company that did that has long gone.
  20. I love the ingenuity of these old machines. Are the cams stepped or are they motor driven?
  21. Hi all.thought I would share this, bought this back in Feb 1999 and restored it. Never gave me a problem. Extremely well made and I just love it.Longest I've ever kept a machine even though a few in the past have offered really good money I just don't think I will ever part with it. 20250224_201234.mp4
  22. as i see, it is unfortunately not only the sound chip. also the 2 dip switch are affected, and the area around it. looks like moisture damage zoals ik zie, is het helaas niet allen de sound chip. ook de 2 dip switch zijn aangetast, en de regio er om heen. lijkt wel vocht schade
  23. The soundchip has to be fixed and the board had a short cirquit i think. De soundchip moet er even opnieuw op en banen netjes bedekken en hij heeft even kortsluiting gemaakt denk ik.
  24. Earlier
  25. No board or game card, so it's basically worthless!
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