Hi chaps,
My summer project this year is to get a test rig together for PC-92 boards. With a donated board I've started putting together a few bits to try and get it running. As I don't know this tech at all (yet) it's proving a challenge although there are similarities to MMM which I've worked on.The Proconn manual in downloads it almost the same but I've yet to find any wiring diagrams so working out the switch matrix, 7 seg displays and alpha is mostly poke and hope.
I've never seen test software for this tech either although it must exist somewhere I'm sure.
So far I've stripped down the RESET cct and associated bits near the battery as there were lots of green legs on the transistors. Only one resistor fell apart but it was good to get them all out as the solder had gone crumbly anyway. New battery rivets have been put in and the associated track mended.
I've picked up some good tips from Andrew and Louie Bee especially Andrew mentioning about the 53v lamp feed. I found that the board was highly conductive even though it looked fairly clean. When cleaned with a cloth the old tobacco film was found to be quite extensive and the slightest bit of humidity would lead to voltage readings being picked up on the surface of the board to ground!! I dread to think what would have happened if I'd applied the Lamp voltage.
The good news is, so far, it does boot and with a Jackpot Jungle ROM I get characters coming up on the 7 seg display and on the Alpha not that they make any sense. I have two other ROMs 8xCash and 777 but neither of these appear to do anything. Of course I may have the wrong code and also, I've got no idea how this tech is meant to boot?
There are no sounds of any description ie alarms and I don't think the meters are being activated either so the AY-3-8910 might be knackered. The RESET voltage only rises to approx 3.4v and I'm not sure why as yet but it does appear to be re-setting OK. Vbatt is good at 5v.
Things I'll need help with are :-
What is the boot up sequence? I assume it will try to sense the meters then alarm if disconnected.
Does the alpha display the code version immediately on boot or does that come after the meter check?
Same with the 7 seg, should that be showing me percentage or something readable.
Are there any links that need to made on the switches (like JPM Sys80) for it to do anything?
I only have the single ROM fitted I assume the ROM cart socket isn't always necessary?
Here's a pic of the board midway during surgery. I'll post some more when I get further down the road. I'll hopefully get around to producing a modified schematic for the PC-92 as we don't have one and I'll collate any other info gathered that might be useful.