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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/07/20 in all areas

  1. PLAY THiS IN MFME6!! Classic What's Up Doc!! a machine without a bunny or a carrot in sight, more likely based on the carry on films. A clubber released by global, i think there's a smaller Awp version too. Thanks goto Reg for supplying the roms via desert island fruits I think Ady for the flyer or maybe someone else it was a while back since i had this. Shortcuts are as standard there is a 20p coin input its located where the sec meter is to the left of the standard £1 slot, you don't need this on this jp/stake level but would if you change the jackpot setting to say £100/20-10p play. I put it in as the refill was asking for 20p's to be filled. Enjoy and Happy Gaming!!! Classic What's Up Doc Club Dx.zip
    1 point
  2. Fortune Numbers lives on again. Restoration to cab now in progress. Needs loads of bulbs but is pretty much complete. Here's a snippet video sent to me
    1 point
  3. Tee hee, changed the lamp, can't lose. NQ.
    1 point
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